About Sakura Quality an ESG Practice

Standards of Sakura Quality An ESG Practice

About Sakura Quality

Facility List





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About Sakura Quality

(1) Accommodation Facility Quality Assurance: Connecting Local Regions & Accommodation Facilities

Sakura Quality treats accommodation facilities as essential local region network hubs that keep the region's vitality, and with the aim of connecting regions with accommodation facilities, works together with DMOs and the like to provide quality certification.

(2) Number of Sakura Indicating Safety, Security, and Sincerity

The accommodation facility qualities that Sakura Quality looks at are safety, security, and sincerity, and only facilities that maintain these are given the certification mark.

As such, the flow for certification includes (1) introduction of a safety operation standard (implementation manual) that includes guestroom disinfection/sterilization and other disease prevention (or the implementation of an initiative acknowledged by the association as being equal) and checking its abidance with related laws and regulations, and after that (2) a collaborative verification by 2 inspectors from a DMO, etc.。

and the participating facility, as well as a brief inspection by the inspectors. Following that, facilities are given a rating of 1 sakura to 2 sakura. Also, ratings of 2.5 sakura and 3 sakura are given following a brief inspection via the provision of a self-evaluation of more than 400 inspection items.

Sakura Quality assessment
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(3) Over 2,100 Inspection Items

For lodging facilities thought to exceed a rating of 3 sakura, a mystery shopper is dispatched and they carry out a detailed survey based on more than 2,100 inspection items. Accordingly, facilities are certified with 3.5 sakura, 4 sakura, or 5 sakura.
Furthermore, the more than 2,100 inspection items all employ service elements related to a sense of security. The standards framework is as follows.

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Average evaluation value by service element